We all know how difficult it can be to keep track of all your CSMR information.
GoCSMR offers you a simple yet powerful content management tool to keep track of your Orders, Awards, Training, Promotions, Form20's & more, all at your fingertips and accessible from anywhere!
Never lose another order! Upload a PDF file to your profile and manage your Orders with ease.
You earned them, so display them proudly! Use the ribbon rack feature to ensure proper placement on your uniform.
Follow the progress of your career and see exactly when your eligible for your next bump in rank.
From MEMS to OCS, make sure that your Training profile shows off the hard work you've put in.
Our handy Form20 features allows you to update your hours and drill attendance on the fly. Print your Form20s to PDF instantly as well!
Keep track of all of your drill dates with the convenient Calendar feature.